In the last 2 years, hydrosolutions has been funded by the Blue Peace Central Asia program of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation to develop an applied hydrological modelling course for master students at the German-Kazakh University in Almaty. The course aims at bridging the gap between theoretical hydrology and applied rainfall-runoff modelling for climate change impact studies and includes step-by-step instructions from data preparation to post-processing of simulation results. We have since summarised the course content as well as all teaching material in an article for Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (, which was published today! The teaching material includes the course book, example data as well as case study data sets for students to test the modelling workflow, presentation slides and tutorial videos. Several professors, who took part in one of our training of teachers courses, are integrating parts of the course material in their teaching curricula, which is the best we could have hoped for when working on the course material.
The course book can also be used for self-study. So, to anyone who is interested in learning a consistent workflow from data preparation to hydrological impact study: please check out the course, and don’t forget to send us feedback!