Non-Traditional Monitoring

In developing and transition countries and despite significant global investments in hydro-meteorology, data on water remain scarce/fragmented. One key reason is that traditional monitoring does not scale because of high investment costs and complicated operation and maintenance of conventional technology, esp. in remote and impoverished regions and because vandalism is an issue in many places. And even where there are sufficient data, these are often difficult to access and interpret for local stakeholders due to outdated data transmission and the lack of access to modern tools for data management, analysis, synthesis, and exchange.

The collection of non-traditional data through local involvement using low-cost, high-tech devices (also referred to as crowd-sensing or crowd-based data collection) has emerged as an exciting pathway for obtaining more data in cases where needed. These non-traditional data can then complement data from in-situ stations as well as from remote sensing. hydrosolutions GmbH has a multi-year global experience with the development, the implementation and management of crowd-sensing campaigns.

Co-Design Solutions
Innovation Technologies
Water Resources Modeling

Example Projects

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